So after not posting for four days because of my wee trip to Natal to be with my mum while she goes through serious surgery, I lost three followers. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not sitting here sobbing and wiping away the snot and tears with my sleeve or anythin'...Its really not that important to me how many followers I have, who reads or listens to my drivel. It just baffles me on why people intially decide to follow you (for some obscure reason) and why they finally stop following. Most do eventually...Listen, I've been blogging for nearly three years and I've seen many bloggers, readers and followers come and go...but it still makes me ponder it all.
Is it because my followers get bored? Is because I say FUCK too much? Is it because Followers take offence to a particular post? Is it because I don't post as regularly as they would like? Is it because I post too much?
I know you can't please the masses all the time. I certainly don't try too hard.
I'm just wondering...
What makes you "Follow" and ultimately '"UnFollow" a blogger?