Kate Winslet insists the secret to her new size 6 figure is using a Pilates DVD for 20 minutes every day.The 33-year-old actress revealed to the February issue of Elle magazine that she has never used a body double.She credits body make-up, good lighting and her Pilates DVD for helping her look her best for nude scenes in new movie The Reader. Kate said: "I always play myself because I think it's important not to cheat. There are two things I've never been offered: one is cocaine, the other is a body double. I am pretty average. I have cellulite, I don't go to the gym because I don't have time but I do Pilates work out DVDs for 20 minutes or more everyday at home."The mother-of-two - who confessed to once weighing 13 stone - has another new film out, Revolutionary Road, co-starring Leonardo Di Caprio and directed by her husband Sam Mendes.She said: "What I love about Revolutionary Road is that, up close you see all the scars, wrinkles and lines on my face and on Leo's. I was nudging Leo saying, 'Look, our faces move!'"Kate revealed she and husband Sam still date.She said: "You have to work at a marriage. The best things always involve some effort. We aim to have two date nights a week, but always end up doing one. I don't dress up or anything, we just have a nice meal somewhere, share a bottle of wine and talk."We do loads of lovely meals with the kids, but every now and again you need to get out of the house together, go and be a couple, have a laugh." Kate Winslet - UK Elle magazine [Source]