
vogue australia

absolutely gorgeous!
one of the best shots i have seen in a while.

Happy Hugmonay!

Haggis, Whiskey, Auld Lang Syne...lets go first-footin' with our lump o' coal, freshly baked short-bread, a bottle of whiskey and a slice o' the ol' black bun.

Lang may yer lum reek!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.




shop HERE

the sparkly wide legs + bow heels are to die for!


glam lamb

a great shot by photographer PHILL TAYLOR- if you haven't already, check out his blog!
kate looks like a little lamb ♥

denim doll

cover magazine


1. Leyendecker Rush Sweater Tunic
2. Rebecca Minkoff Boyfriend Messenger Bag
3. Falke Cotton Touch Footless Tights
4. Alexander Wang Leather Mini Shorts with Lapel Pockets
5. Blu Bijoux Five Ball Triple Finger Ring
6. Report 'Adam' Boot

Our South African Christmas

Two very excited girls on Christmas morning
KK getting on top of things
Megan excited to be getting her Nintendo DS XL with every accessory imaginable.
KK very impressed with her Hello Kitty Kitchen
Gift opening aftermath
In the car on the way to the In-Laws. 
Megan with the Nintendo firmly in her ears, KK with her new dolly
KK opening more gifts from Ouma and Oupa and Aunty Ronel and Uncle Petrus!
Werner and Megan chuffed with their stash
Morne and Werner
Ouma - my mother in law thrilled with her recipe book from Ronel
Ronel looking on
Oupa (my FIL) and yours truly.
Everyone settling down outside to a wonderful Christmas feast in the blazing sunshine 
Someone always lands up getting thrown in the pool
A very happy Daft Scots Lass
 What a brilliantly PERFECT Day!!!

Last Christmas, in my stocking there was an Odour-Eater!

Hiya me lovelies.

Meet a funny pair of Singing Scottish Socks.   Yeah, you read right these two stinky Fuckers even  have their own fucking Channel on YouTube.!  Can you believe it?  What other shite will people think up to post of YouTube? 

Presenting The Singing Scottish Falseto Sock Puppet Theatre


with attitude

harper's bazaar espaƱa

When I was growing up, we had a petting zoo, and a heavy petting zoo - for people who really like the animals a lot!

Recent my sis and I and our off-srping visited the Johannesburg Zoo

We had a lovely time and the weather was gorgeous.  I got burnt to a crisp.  Here are some of the photos.

My girls in the push-car
One of the baby chimps
The Monkeys
The Lion
The Family
Wee CJ aka Claire Jane
All the Cousins
Feeding the Giraffe
Mother and Babe
Polar Bear
My Girls
White Rhino
A crowd gathering as we fed the giraffe
The Daddy Chimp masturbating. 

Forgive us our Christmases, as we forgive those that Christmas against us.


love the color combination here.