in neutral


cutest thing i've seen in a while. as you all know i love simple looks ♥

sheer black

mihara yasuhiro



easy breezy...this is perfection.

Well, cover me in ice-cream and bite my bum...

...and then tie me up with Magnetic Duct Tape?  Why would you need to magnetise something that already sticks?  Do they make it in double-sized?  Just don't use it when your hard drive is falling apart at the seams... Och nevermind....I'm just being stoopid again.

Then my mind wandered off

Or how about magnetic paint? get blackboard paint...

What's next?  Silent Velcro?

This got me thinking about Stuff-on-a-Stick.

 Hot Dog on a Stick

Sushi on a stick

Horse on a Stick

Even Beer on a Stick

You can even pee-on-a-stick.

Smile on a Stick

This one's for Dutch Donut Girl

Carrot on a stick (actually that looks a bit phalic)

Ciggies on a stick

Stick USB on a stick

What would you put on a stick that would make your life easier?

summer uniform / j brand giveaway

J Brand shorts /Obesity + Speed tee / thrifted bra /Dolce Vita wedges

this is my casual summer uniform! nothing better for these hot days right now in NYC.
the shorts are super cute + super comfortable.
the sheer tee helps me stay cool + love that i can show off this cute leopard bra!
the wedges. know i love wedges, haha
they remind me of these givenchy ones i posted awhile back.
there is a reason why they so are hard to hunt down.

anyway, i adore these J Brand shorts so much + thought you guys would too! so...
REVOLVE and i are hosting a J Brand giveaway!! these shorts can be yours too!

in order to win the J Brand shorts, you need to:

- become a facebook fan of REVOLVE: click HERE
- become a facebook fan of J Brand: click HERE
- leave me a comment with your email + with a link of your favorite J Brand item on REVOLVE.
- click HERE to pick your favorite J Brand item to link.

the giveaway ends July 12th. GOOD LUCK!


giveaway ended July 12th...winner will be announced soon!!

I'm Officially Hibernating!

intr.v. hi·ber·nat·ed, hi·ber·nat·ing, hi·ber·nates
1. To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.
2. To be in an inactive or dormant state or period.
Some of you may know from last year's winter post (Read it here) that I detest the winter and it depresses me terribly when I'm cold.  All I want to do is stay indoors, be depressed and miserable and preferably do it all in bed.  So, I am officially switching off for the rest of the winter.

Hibernation induction trigger (hibernation inducement trigger or HIT) is a substance found in the blood of hibernating animals and I am injecting myself with this today.  I'm powering down until the summer comes...


add red

ELLE serbia

such a quirky mix!

and another one...


another closet i'd love to raid.
i really appreciate the simplicity of this, along with the neutral colors.

Things I love....

Wish I could find a stockist in Johannesburg that has the lastest styles.
They are super cool and ultra sexy.  I need a pair very soon.

Yesterday I was surfing on YouTube and stumbled on a video from The White Stripes.  I immediately fell in love!  I mean seriously fell in love with the band's sound and Jack White's genius guitar playing.  I haven't felt this excited in ages about a band.  The last obsession of mine (musically) was  U2 and Bono aka Paul Hewson.  I collected all their records on vinyl and still think they are brilliant!

Oh I know, I can hear you saying - what is she on about?  Doesn't she know she's a grown woman? She shouldn't be obsessing about music and rock stars at her age. Well, anyone who knows me well, knows I love my music and I am never without my music.  Whether its listening to the car CD player, watching a DVD, surfing YouTube, jamming on XBOX guitar hero or listening to my iPod at work - I'm always jamming to something and looking for new bands and sounds to listen to.

I spent the entire day yesterday listening to The White Stripes - Jack and Meg White.  They are just genius - what a great band, great sound, great personalities.  Do yourself a favour and go listen to some of their stuff.  My favourite song so far is Ball and Biscuit.

Jack White

the White Stripes



Some Saturday Stuff

sunnies + puppies

got these f21 sunglasses a few weeks ago. i'm obsessed!
i set the sunglasses on the corner of the bed to shoot them + i immediately had company, lol.
i swear they put themselves like that! jiji + alvy have to be involved in everything!
♥ them + these sunglasses!
doesn't jiji look killer?! hahahaha

graphic arts

amica italy

55 Flash Fiction Friday - Episode 10

Join me in playing this writing game with hundreds of other bloggers including G-Man on Fridays, called 55 Flash Fiction Fridays.

Just when you think you’ve got your act together,made good decisions, life comes along and throws you a curve ball.  I think Life is a series of events that makes you question your decisions all the time. Fate versus deliberate choices, which should we believe in?  Leave it to faith or make it happen?

FlogYoBlog Friday over at MummyTime.  Go check it out!

Pimp My Braai

 Thanks to Irene for this one...

The new GTS Brakpan Braai....
only available in South Africa! 
Custom-made, of course.
3 litre FORD, 2 litre Coke and 1 litre Brandy....instant party!

summer breeze

Bafana Out But The Gees Remains

What a proud moment yesterday watching Bafana Bafana take on the French!  Scoring three goals, one of which was outruled due to offside rule and Bongani Khumalo scoring in the first few minutes of the game.  They has so many great opportunities to score more and they played their hearts out.  Well done Boyz!  What a way to exit the World Cup - with a bang!

I was beaming with pride and the excitment and tension was magical!

My Boerewors and Megan won free tickets to the FanZone at Monte Casino to watch the game on the big screen.  They enjoyed live entertainment, dancers, singers and of course watching the game with thousands of other Bafana supporters. They said the atmosphere was electric - the constant drone of the vuvuzelas, whistles, singing, drums, chanting and singing Shosholoza.  Everyone was full of Gees (aka buzz).

Will post some pictures of that soon.

lilac lips

vogue china